Brandon Hoffman is a genius lovable perfect human being who is also writing this. He's fantastic, nice, extremely good looking, and probably gives to charity... Did I mention he is the one writing this?
I have been writing since I was young. I remember watching my mother read late at night, gasping at certain pages, laughing aloud at others. I always wanted to write a story that she could enjoy. Stories have always been a core part of my life. I always loved building worlds with Lego and making up stories around them. One of my very first attempts at writing a full fledged novel was about my Lego men. It was written on loose notebook paper placed in a binder. I remember writing it in pen, thinking it looked more professional. It did not.

As you would imagine, that story did not go anywhere, nor did dozens and dozens of others I wrote. When I started taking this more seriously, there were dozens, maybe hundreds more that were strictly practice, written so I could better understand how to set a scene, imagine a good fight, and describe something that doesn't exist in this world.
After (possibly) hundreds of stories, the ones below I am proud of. They have been written and edited and written some more. I'm finally taking a cue from John Green of the Vlogbrothers and showing them to the world.
Shepsus's Stories
Atlas of the Forest
A Deal of a Deal Part 1
Nine Lives
Halloween 2020 short story
Willow the Dryad
A Deal of a Deal Part 2
A Wizardly Christmas
A Christmas 2020 short
Exodus of the Earth
A Deal of a Deal Part 3